Thursday, April 30, 2015

Weekly Progress - Week 4

The car we ordered online arrived this week. It was smaller than expected but that's fine since we are using this car to find out how some car mechanisms work.
Image 1: Nascar Toy Car

There is a button in the front bumper that when pressed, the car will break in half with the two car doors open. We decided we like the button mechanism so we are going to use it in our design. It will be slightly different though. In our design, when the button is pressed (some kind of impact), the doors of the car will open and the dummy will fly out.

Image 2: Top view of car

Image 3: Bottom view of car

We have taken apart the car and saw how the car works when the button is pressed.  We decided we like the button mechanism so we are going to use it in our design. It will be slightly different though. In our design, when the button is pressed (some kind of impact), the doors of the car will open and the dummy will fly out.

Image 4: Bottom pieces of car 
Image 5: Bottoms pieces together

This week, we went and brought two cars of the same size. We took them apart to use their chassis. The two chassis are identical . We are going to design the different car parts based off the chassis so that the parts will fit perfectly. 

Image 6: Top view of chassis

Image 7: Bottom view of chassis
As you can see from Image 7, the chassis is battery powered but we won't use that because it is unnecessary for our toy. Our toy will be pushed into motion by a spring mechanism. 

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