Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Weekly Progress - Week 3

This week we focused on material selection.

We determined which parts of the vehicle will be customizable by the user, and which would be fixed.  This is the list of fixed and interchangeable components:

- car frame / chassis
- wheels
- windshield

- front bumper / grill
- back bumper / trunk
- roof
- doors
- hood

In terms of material selection, it was determined that the main frame / chassis would be made from metal, and the rest of the parts would be plastic.

For the sake of efficiency and accuracy, we want to avoid relying on the 3D printer for all of our parts, especially because the main model is an assembly.

Instead, we have considered "reverse engineering" existing toy cars and combining the parts from several different toys to create our own unique parts that fit the model.

Thus, the next task will be to go toy shopping for various toy car models.  We have already ordered a few online off of Amazon and plan on going to a local toy store to find additional models.

Other materials include...
-2 springs
-styrofoam board to make pieces for the track
-2' by 4' wood wall

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